October 21, 2002

The Death of Vitality

My clouded head decays,
As my hands accept their fate.
My vitality, my soul listlessly leak
Through the empty gaze of my eyes.

My wasting body strains to raise
One final gasp in steady rate
A breath, a breeze, silent and bleak
Shadowed beside a murmur, a sigh.

Spiritus meus requiescat in pace…                                     (1)
…Eternity flashes as lighting from Heaven's hand.

...The Rapture, the End of Ages draws nigh,
As Righteous words annul the grains of sand...

A fulgent light reveals itself hence:
“Have I reached the Kingdom?”
Alas! Glorious Day, Amen!

A gentle voice stirs in the distance,
“Hun, class is over now.”
Aw shit. I fell asleep again.


Note: (1) May my spirit rest in peace
Commentary: Written in Dara's (Wegman-Geedy) Cell Bio Class to prevent me from falling asleep

Copyright © 2006 Marc Y. H. Landeweer

October 13, 2002

Good Morning Day... O Glorious Sun

Piercing through the shroud of the unlit wrath,
A glowing creature crawls, through pane to eye.

Upon my face, dance the heated rays
The fever of remote fires spurs my tired spirits

Let lambent light illuminate my path,
As the break of dawn paints the distant sky

Fueled by vibrant beams, unspoken voices say:
Blessed be this day; you have no reason to fear it

I smile.

Oh beautiful day, could I ever rise depressed or moody?
I marvel at Apollo's globe; its fire, power and mass.

I lay and ponder to watch the heavenly beauty:
“It’s just a ball of gas.”


Copyright © 2006 Marc Y. H. Landeweer