December 15, 2020

As I Crumbled

In the moment, the news, the words: my heart skipped a beat.
I gasp for breath. I beg for release from this reality
My mind, my thoughts, my world in full retreat.
The hand of death, a life has ceased, and will no longer be.

No sense, no logic, no reason, no ration.
Where are you God? Where is the world I know?
Is this the ordered world you have fashioned?
Why God? How God? How can this be so?

The world is rattling, and violently quakes.
No. Wait. It’s only I that shake. The floor is steady, calm, serene.
Wake up! It cannot be! Depart from this hideous scene
Open your eyes, from this nightmare awake!

Alas this is no hallucination, no illusion, no dream.
Just twisted reality contorted by sorrow and confusion.

I scream.

No English word voiced, no human word sounded, no earthly word uttered.
As I crumble, I am surrounded: embraced, enveloped, nearly smothered
And for the merest of instants the aching, the anguish, and desolation paused
By arms of love, that will never leave me when all hope seems lost.


- For Kelli in loving memory of Molly -

 Copyright © 2020 Marc Y H Landeweer