December 13, 2016

Hu, R. U. – 52 y.o. F – E3145

Copyright © 2016 Marc Y H Landeweer


 The lines of this poem are the silhouette of a person with their mouth hanging open. 

The room number in the title has meaning partly in that I was assigned to the E3100 ward at Abbott Northwestern Hospital for my first unit of CPE at the time of the poem's composition. But more significant is that E3145 is an abbreviation for Exodus 3:14 word 5 which corresponds in the Hebrew bible to אֶהְיֶה (ehyeh) the word for “I AM”. 


Hu, R. U. – 52 y.o. F – E3145 Who are you, you that lies in that bed? Who are you, you that wears that hospital gown? Who are you, you that eats through that TV show? Who are you, you that lies in that drug addled fog? Who are you, you that wears that network of IV’s? Who are you, you that eats through that serpentine tube?  Your appearance is aged, off by two score at least Your skin hangs limp, loose unkempt drapes Your stench offends my delicate nose Who are you, you whose cries I hear each hour? Who are you, you whose tears I wipe with a cloth? Who are you, you whose face I see in the mirror? … I am a child of I AM. 12/13/2016      MYHL

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